Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A little about me

I'm a Christian, a wife, a soccer mom and someone's comic relief. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my family and my TUPPERWARE business.
I have 3 rays of sunshine that God allows me to call my children. In some category or another all three are considered 'special needs'.
J is 7 and has a hearing impairment. He's our soccer star and he's got to be one of the smartest children on the planet. He is such a joy to be around and keeps us on our toes. You just never know what he'll say next. God has called him for great things.
Aaron is 2 and with that comes all that it implies. He has a speech delay and is currently being tested for Celiac Disease. He's quite a little firecracker! He is obedient in that eventually he will end up doing what he's been told to do, but only after he's done it the way HE thinks it should be done first. He's an independent, spirited, free thinker who will inevitably do things his own way.
Last of the babes, but certainly not least is baby Serren. She's 7 1/2 mos. old and weighs in at only 12 lbs. She was born with an artery compressing her trachea and was wrapped in a big pink bow, hand delivered by God Himself. She was accompanied by a band of angels and a smile that can't be ignored. She is the happiest, easiest baby I have ever seen. Serren has the most forgiving spirit and regardless of the day she's had or the wrong she feels you've done her, she lets you know all is well with one of her big, eye twinkling, smiles.

Then, of course, there's my husband, Eric. He works very hard to see to it that we are all taken care of. He goes above and beyond for our happiness and the happiness of others. Life is great and God continues to bless us every day.

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